Current events in the Cummings Lab!
Jace defended his Sci Tech honors thesis. Congrats, Jace!
Kirstie was named a 2024 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) Travel Awardee!
Hunter won a spot on a NIMH T32!
Zephyr won a spot on a NIGMS T32!
Zephyr and Rodrigo both won Best Talk awards at the 2024 UAB Comprehensive Neuroscience Center Retreat!
The Cummings lab was recognized with the UAB Featured Discovery Award!
Zephyr won Best Poster at the 2024 GRC on the Frontal Cortex! Well-done!
Brianna and Rodrigo both won Early Career Scientist Awards at the 2024 GRC on the Frontal Cortex. Very well-deserved!
Rodrigo was named an awardee of the 2024 NIH Outstanding Scholar in Neuroscience Award Program (OSNAP)! Congrats on the well-deserved honor, Rodrigo!
Noelle Potter joined our lab as an undergraduate researcher! Welcome to the team, Noelle!
Tashana Hawkins is joining the lab in Summer 2024 as a Blazer BRAIN fellow! Welcome, Tashana!
Victoria was awarded a UAB Summer Research Academy Fellowship - congrats, Victoria!
Zephyr won the Best Poster Award at the 2024 NeuroGateways Neuroengineering meeting at UAB!
Kirstie was named a 2024 James A. Pittman, Jr., MD Scholar in the Heersink School of Medicine at UAB!
Zephyr Desa and Hunter Franks joined the lab as PhD students in January - we are happy to welcome them aboard!
Zephyr won the Best Poster Award at the 2023 Pavlovian Society Meeting in Austin, TX - congratulations, Zephyr!
Rodrigo won a Best Poster Award at the 2023 UAB Comprehensive Neuroscience Center Retreat - well deserved!
Alana Moore is joining the lab in Summer 2023 as a Blazer BRAIN fellow! Welcome, Alana!
Kenya was admitted to the Summer Undergraduate Research Program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai!
Brianna won a spot on a NIGMS T32 grant - outstanding!
Brianna won a NIH Diversity Supplement - way to go, Brianna!
Brianna joined as a PhD student in March!
Kirstie was awarded a BBRF NARSAD Young Investigator Award
Kirstie was awarded a grant from the Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation
Rodrigo joined as a postdoctoral fellow in September!
Zephyr joined as a postbacc fellow in July!
Kirstie was awarded a NIH BRAIN Initiative R00 award through NIMH
The lab opened on May 2nd, 2022